sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

King Juan Carlos breaks a hip hunting elephants in Botswana

The latest incident drew criticism from some lawmakers at a time when Spain is on the verge of recession with close to 23 percent unemployment.
In October 2006 Vyacheslav Pozgalyov, governor of the Vologda region northeast of Moscow,launched an inquiry into reports that Juan Carlos had shot and killed a bear while on holiday near Moscow, had reportedly received a letter from the region’s deputy hunting chief, Sergei Starostin, claiming a bear — named Mitrofan — had been fed honey mixed with vodka before being released near a site where the king was to hunt. Mitrofan, whom Starostin described as “a good-natured and joyful bear,” was taken from his home at a local holiday resort and brought to the hunting place where they “generously fed him with vodka mixed with honey and pushed him into a field,” the newspaper quoted the letter as saying.

Creo que la noticia se comenta por si sola.
Tal y como está este Pais, con casi 6 millones de parados, a punto de ser intervenido, sin dirigentes capaces y eficaces, en donde no somos ciudadanos sino súbditos (por cuanto no somos todos iguales ante la Ley), es cuanto menos inmoral la caza de animales en extinción. Es inmoral la nula transparencia de La Casa Real y de los gastos que ocasionan todos estos peculiares hobbies mas propios de dictadores del s.XIX que del s. XXI.

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